Cherry Orchard Equine Centre

Cherry Orchard Equine Centre

The main object for which the Company is established is to promote horse
riding and related activities by adopting a structured training program
and providing trained personnel to assist and encourage the youth,
long-term unemployed and disadvantaged of the community to develop their
equine skills.
– to acquire land for the purpose of developing an equine centre in the Cherry Orchard community;
– to provide such facilities for indoor and outdoor equine activities for the Cherry Orchard community as the Directors see fit;
– to develop educational training, employment and enterprise opportunities;
– to promote the maintenance and training of horses in the Cherry Orchard community;
– to promote the equine project as a centre for the development of educational and cultural activities for the community; and
– to provide active preparation for employment in the horse and other industries.

83 Cherry Orchard Green Cherry Orchard, Ballyfermot, Dublin D10XW08, Ireland